Incorporation, Bylaws and EIN
Most nonprofit organizations don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on their incorporation, Bylaws, and EIN, especially if you have access to an experienced nonprofit advisor.
Give us a call and let us walk you through your formation documents. Or, we’ll be glad to review your completed forms and make recommendations as needed.

Don’t Forget Your Purpose and Dissolution Clauses
When filing your nonprofit Articles of Incorporation (sometimes called Certificate of Formation), remember that you must include very specific language in your Purpose and Dissolution clauses in order to qualify with the IRS for 501c3 federal tax exempt status. Be very careful, as many state’s online forms do not mention these IRS-required provisions.
Call 800.268.4388 to get started!
Thank you for all your help with Three17 Ministries. I received my letter from the IRS yesterday and we are officially a 501c3 organization. I appreciate your help and it was a pleasure to work with you. You made the process very simple.